View the most frequently asked questions about our events and locations here. Do you have any additional questions? Let us know!

If an event on our site says ‘sold out’, there are no more tickets for sale. We strongly advise you not to buy tickets through other websites than omnibus-collective.com or a page we direct you to. Other sites that offer tickets are resellers, where you often pay a much higher amount and run the risk of buying invalid tickets. On TicketSwap you sell tickets safely, easily and honestly. It’s also possible to buy a second-hand ticket here. Buying via TicketSwap is entirely at your own risk. Be aware of fraudulent practices.

For most events we use Eventix or Chipta as a ticket shop. You can easily find your ticket on their website. For some events, ticket sales are managed by the venue. In that case, please contact them.

The minimum age for our events may vary. The event detail page indicates if a minimum age applies.

Your safety is extremely important to us. Therefore, everything and everyone is searched at the entrance (including luggage) of our events. Do you have something with you that is on our ‘blacklist’? Then we’ll throw it away. Pay attention! In some cases, access to the event may be denied. You’re not allowed to bring weapons, sharp or hard objects, glass, fluids and animals.

When entering an event, you give permission to be photographed by our photographers. You’re not allowed to bring your own professional equipment.

Yes, our house rules contain a number of important points to make and keep every event as safe and fun as possible. The complete overview can be found on the house rules page. Some locations have additional house rules. We respect this of course! Check a venue’s website to see the rules.

Both hard and soft drugs are not allowed at events by law. Weed and hash are tolerated up to 5 grams. Test your drugs before going to an event, this is not possible at our events themselves. For more information and the health risks, visit www.drugsenuitgaan.nl and www.unity.nl. If you have drugs in your pocket, there is a chance that you will be handed over to the police. This will draw up an official report which may result in a fine or a prison sentence. NB; If you pay a fine immediately, you automatically get a criminal record. Before you are heard by the police, you can get assistance from a lawyer. Ask the police about the possibilities of a lawyer and be well informed.

Forced and unprotected sex is more common when one is under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs. Respect each other and for more information about safe sex, visit www.sense.info/nl/soas. The effect of alcohol and/or drug use can lead to reduced concentration and a lower reaction speed, making you a danger to yourself and other road users. Therefore, stop in time and adjust your means of transport accordingly. Drink water or isotonic drinks before going to sleep to restore your fluid balance.